konstatierte Gartner in seiner "
Gartner Study on DBMS Identifies Spending and Deployment Trends". Da diese recht umfangreich ist, zitiere ich hier für Lesefaule eine aus meiner Sicht erfreuliche Stelle:
"The biggest surprise is DB2 from IBM, with 19 percent planning to install DB2. This is nearly 50 percent higher than the number planning to install Oracle. DB2 has long been a strong DBMS offering, but has suffered from multiple versions, perceived lack of portability and a lack of third-party support. IBM has been marketing heavily during the past several years to change this perception and encourage software vendors to port to DB2. It would appear their efforts are working."
IBM hat lange Zeit die Marktentwicklung bei relationalen DBMS verschlafen, obwohl die
erste relationale Datenbank in einem IBM-Labor implementiert wurde.
Die Jagd auf Oracle scheint noch mehr in Asien zu fruchten:
"Even more interesting is that IBM DB2 is at 27 percent planned in the Asia/Pacific region, and Oracle is only at 10 percent. This is partially due to Oracle's broad penetration in this market, but also because of IBM's strong marketing efforts. The overall numbers so strongly in favor of DB2 indicate a pending increase in IBM's market share for DBMS during the next few years."
Es scheint so, dass gerade hier die Anwender Spaß daran haben "
Oracle eine aufs Maul hauen".